
直播峰会专注于在多屏幕上提供大型直播活动和直播线性渠道所固有的挑战和机遇. Sessions will address every step of the live video workflow, 包括摄入, transcoding, management, protection, distribution, analytics, 以及事后评价.

无论你是流媒体一次性娱乐, news, sports, esports, 或者礼拜活动, 或者提供重复的实时内容, 我们会帮你的. 而其他活动则侧重于活动视频制作, 直播峰会将其提升到一个新的水平, 涵盖拍摄视频并将其传送给电脑观众所需的技术和策略, tablets, mobile phones, set-top boxes, and smart TVs.

流媒体的直播峰会是美国唯一的直播峰会.S. event to address the highest-level issues and opportunities related to live streaming. 对于技术和商业决策者来说,这是一个必须参加的展会,他们的工作依赖于提供成功的大型现场活动和在线实时线性渠道. 



  • 访问所有直播峰会会议
  • 访问流媒体东部主题演讲
  • 进入探索轨道
  • Light continental breakfast and morning and afternoon breaks
  • Admission to the Streaming Media East Expo including the Tuesday Reception


 提供赞助机会. Click here to learn more. 

Tuesday, May 8



Welcome & 开幕主题演讲:用Facebook Live创建社区

5月8日星期二上午9:00.m. - 10:00 a.m.

全球推出已有两年, Facebook Live的产品经理回顾了Live是如何通过关键创新将人们和社区联系在一起的, 以及Live的互动性如何为Facebook上的用户和发布商带来新的视频体验.


, Facebook Live产品经理, Facebook


Tuesday, May 8



LS101. 社交直播视频:新有线电视

5月8日星期二上午10:30.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Combining the world’s biggest watch party with the natural fear of missing out, 社交直播视频是今天必看的电视节目. The new normal is the ability to watch everything everywhere, just as it happens and in real time. As more audiences cut the cord and viewing habits gravitate toward social media, the question to ask is: Are social platforms becoming the new cable? 本次专题讨论将超越白噪音,讨论社交直播节目和塑造视频消费方式的媒体合作关系.


, 执行副总裁 & General Manager, 天际线新媒体


, GM, Live, Vimeo

, CEO, B Live

, 工程经理, Facebook

, 总裁、执行制片人, Content.23 Media, Inc


LS102. 提供实时线性OTT

5月8日星期二上午11:45.m. - 12:30 p.m.

With OTT viewership set to surpass cable in the next few years, 学习如何应对交付实时线性编程的挑战从未像现在这样重要. 自动化带来的麻烦, ingest, encoding, metadata, and ad insertion, 线性内容策略还必须包括一个对话,让它到达那里并保持它全天候运行. 本文围绕如何正确打包和整合在线内容进行讨论.


, CEO, Show Runner/Executive Producer, Director and OTT Consultant, 广播管理集团有限公司.


, TD Ameritrade网络总监, TD Ameritrade

, 高级软件工程经理, Video, Hulu

, 首席增长官, Signiant

, Sr. 首席解决方案架构师, M&E, AWS


LS103. 实时视频的多重分发

5月8日星期二下午1:45.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Streaming to multiple destinations has become the rule more than the exception. 硬件编码器和云分发解决方案的可用性增加,使其比以往任何时候都更容易流到多个观看点和平台. From white label websites and apps to platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch, getting your content to appear all over the web has never been easier. 这一节讨论了当前的技术和与直播视频的多重分发相关的成本.


, Founder, 流媒体学习中心


LS104. Latency Matters & Masters

5月8日星期二下午2:45.m. - 3:30 p.m.

数据包、缓存、边缘、GO! 你的直播有多实时? 落后一点都不好玩. Live blogs, Twitter feeds, and the speed of television delivery can ruin the live experience for everyone online. From live events and entertainment to esports and online gaming, nearly every live stream can benefit from reducing latency. But with so many contributing factors, there’s only so much you can control. 不要让往返时间让你夜不能寐. Learn why latency matters, from the masters of low-latency streaming.


, 工程副总裁, LiveU


, Vice President、产品营销、 INXPO

, WW Channels & Alliances, Watson Media & Weather, IBM

, CEO, nanocosmos


LS105. 直播焦点

5月8日星期二下午4点.m. - 5:00 p.m.


4:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

每一段内容都讲述着两个故事. There’s the story that’s told when a viewer presses “play,” and there’s the story that each piece of content tells about where it can be played. 第二个故事是在元数据中讲述的. 本演讲将研究必须解决的无数因素,以便在机器之间传递具有相关信息的正确编程, and a mature content delivery strategy to account for each factor. It’s a critical, 日益复杂的函数, and today there are more factors to consider than ever before. 内容提供商必须执行完美的平衡行为,以优化移动屏幕海洋中的内容货币化, 合同的限制, live events, 有针对性的区域规划.




- SCTE 224:现代元数据管理


-使用SCTE 224进行审计和验证


, 杰出的工程师, Comcast

Wednesday, May 9




5月9日,星期三,上午9:00.m. - 10:00 a.m.

In the course of Chris Fetner’s 25 year media career he has been a cameraman, editor, producer and technology leader for some of the world’s most influential entertainment companies. In his role at Netflix he led the transformation of their 4K and HDR production pipelines. For this keynote, Chris has assembled a panel of creative & 科技专业人士将讨论如何弥合创意叙事与流媒体平台消费者消费创新之间的技术鸿沟. It will be an exciting session covering hot production topics like HDR, 4K, immersive audio, 更宽的色域. 不要错过这次关于将新技术引入创意生态系统的挑战的深入讨论.


, 媒体工程全球总监 & Partnerships, Netflix


, Manager,后期制作, Netflix

, 摄影师(杰西卡·琼斯、卢克·凯奇等)

, Colorist, Technicolor-PostWorks

, Co-Founder & President, 港湾影业公司

, President, Eurofins数字媒体服务


Wednesday, May 9



LS201. 直播焦点

5月9日,星期三:上午10:30.m. - 11:30 a.m.

流媒体直播领域的领军人物将为你呈现一些行业最成功的案例研究. 详情即将公布!

10:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.

For years, 广播公司和内容分销商一直在寻找经过充分验证的方法,通过商品互联网在全球范围内以最高质量流媒体直播事件和视频点播内容. However, existing solutions are not reliable (or possible!) on challenging and unpredictable network conditions; latency and distance dramatically impaired performance. Until now. Come learn how IBM Aspera Streaming for Video solutions, 由FASPStream提供支持, can deliver the high quality transmission experience of satellite and fiber, but over more affordable and widely available standard IP networks, 还有“零延迟”." As a result, many are seeing benefits of always on bidirectional circuits, 显著降低配送成本, 并支持更灵活的工作流集成.


, 战略计划工程师-流媒体视频, IBM旗下的阿斯帕公司

Beyond Engagement: A Closer Look at the ROE of Simulcasting
11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

You know it, I know it, we all know it: Live streaming to multiple destinations facilitates great audience engagement. But have you evaluated the value of simulcasting beyond the surface level of “likes,” “thumbs-up,” and “shares?“它们创造的价值比人们想象的要多. 让我们深入探讨一下联播在创造一个更具包容性的在线环境方面的作用, as well as curating stronger external and internal relationships. 通过检查不同的用例, 我们可以更好地理解为什么这种现象继续在各个行业掀起风暴.


, CEO, Switchboard Live


LS202. 参与数字平台的现场体验

5月9日星期三上午11:45.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Kludgy design and implementation is the enemy of good content. No matter how much your audience wants to watch your OTT content, it’s the interactive tools and easy-to-use players that keep them coming back. Getting users to download an app or visit your website is only half the battle. 他们到达那里后会看到和感觉到什么? Building a compelling user experience can be a huge challenge. 该小组探讨了数字平台和玩家设计如何推动用户粘性和品牌忠诚度.


, Chief Evangelist, Panopto


, 业务发展执行董事 & Strategy, 康卡斯特技术解决方案

, 首席运营官,解决方案架构, OMNIGON

, 董事总经理, 橄榄球频道

, 美洲副总裁, Ex Machina


LS203. 导航算法,以达到您的受众

5月9日星期三下午1:45.m. - 2:45 p.m.

Social platforms are constantly combatting low-quality experiences for their users. 但在他们打击假新闻的努力中, spam, 以及无意义的内容, their algorithm changes can have unintended consequences. With the unpredictability and viral nature of live video, it can be difficult to find the balance between what to block, protect, 或者传递给他们的观众网络. 屏幕上的文字太多, 错误的关键字, 或者,在你试图与你的听众互动时,为了促进帖子而进行的痛苦而缓慢的审查过程可能会阻碍你. This panel discusses ways in which shifting social algorithms, ranking systems, 质量评估对直播视频也有影响.


, 流媒体产业传播者, Wowza媒体系统


, CEO, Easy Live

, Video Producer, Urbanist

, 首席数字官, Nasdaq

, 内容高级经理, 美国高尔夫球协会


LS204. 直播的未来

5月9日星期三下午3:15.m. - 4:00 p.m.

社交媒体可能赢得了胜利, but new capture-and-display technologies are bringing forward new live experiences. The idea of dedicated streaming apps may seem old-fashioned, 但这并没有阻止媒体公司和出版商投入大量时间和百家乐软件来开发下一代目的地观看. 同时出现在任何地方都没有坏处, but will social networks continue to dominate and replace traditional viewing habits? 或者,人们是否会迷失在过多的内容中,转而转向更付费、更专注的环境? Join this panel as they try to predict the future of live streaming.


, 创意总监, LiveX


, 广播工程联合主任, Cheddar

, 广播工程联合主任, Cheddar

, Founder and CEO, Ultracast

Wednesday, May 9



Closing Keynote: What’s Next for Video: OTT, Subscription Services and the Connected Living Room

5月9日,星期三:下午4:15.m. - 5:00 p.m.

People are increasingly consuming content in new formats via new channels. 加入谷歌的Rachel Berk,了解谷歌在提供娱乐新体验方面的更多努力,并深入了解视频的下一步发展方向. 

所有与会者注意:参加闭幕主题演讲,有机会赢得价值超过3美元的LiveU Solo和SlingStudio奖品包,500, 由LiveU提供. 必须在场才能赢! Learn more.


, 业务拓展经理, Android/Play, Google

Tracks & Special Events


Created for CEOs, CSOs, 媒体战略家, and business development executives: This is your home at Streaming Media East. 这个前瞻性的轨道提供高层次的战略讨论,你可以学习最好的在线视频经济的发展方向.

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Created for CTOs, engineers, and developers who want one thing: solutions. 视频生态系统是平台和设备的碎片化组合:向专业人士学习如何消除瓶颈并交付结果.

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AI, Machine Learning, and the Future of Everything Track

This track will explore the technical, financial, and ethical implications of this brave new world. 不要落在后面! You’ll come out with a deeper understanding of how to make your entire operation smarter, faster, 更有利可图.

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Discovery Track

在这方面的会议是教育和演讲,通常侧重于产品和客户案例研究, provide a good opportunity to learn more about specific technologies or vendors. Open to all conference attendees and Discovery Pass holders.

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视频营销力量峰会是一个为期一天的会议,我们将探讨广告商和出版商面临的障碍, offering strategies for reaching consumers where they live, work, and shop. 

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The 内容交付峰会 is a one-day conference that brings together carriers, telcos, ISPs, 以及高级内容所有者,详细了解用于交付和加速web内容的技术和平台.

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直播峰会专注于在多屏幕上提供大型直播活动和直播线性渠道所固有的挑战和机遇. Sessions will address every step of the live video workflow, 包括摄入, transcoding, management, protection, distribution, analytics, 以及事后评价.

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流媒体大学 features world class experts delivering content-rich training. 流媒体东2018系列研讨会为与会者提供了深入了解在线视频和流媒体技术的机会,并提供了良好的理论和实践技术,成为在线视频领域的佼佼者.

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