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How Direct-to-Consumer Regional Sports Networks Use OTT & Companion Content for Android, Apple, Roku, Xbox & FireTV


随着我们进入2024年,美国数十亿美元的区域体育网络(RSN)危机丝毫没有减弱的迹象. Disrupted by the soaring costs of live game rights, 改变观看模式, the continuing trend by consumers to cut cable services in favor of streaming platforms, 许多rsn正处于崩溃状态.

The fact is that more than a third (35.5%) of the US television viewing market now access TV solely through broadband, 根据尼尔森. 拥有传统付费电视(有线电视和卫星电视)订阅服务的美国家庭数量已降至不到一半(45户).6%), 内部情报人员 显示.

在许多主要的体育市场, 体育媒体快速变化的分销格局导致数十万(在某些情况下是数百万)当地观众无法观看他们最喜欢的球队的比赛. That has led some forward-looking teams, 得到联盟的支持, to rethink the RSN model and look beyond a band-aid solution.

其结果是,美国各地的数十家体育组织发现自己正在寻找涵盖广播和流媒体的rss的替代方案, 而仍在取得成功的rsn正在创造新的方式,以更彻底地进入不断变化的市场. 新组合的一个关键因素是直接面向消费者(DTC)的OTT服务,该服务解决了数量庞大且不断增长的掐线者的问题,而老式的基于有线和卫星的RSN分销无法为这些用户提供服务. 


我们已经看到一些联赛和球队适应了地区体育转播基础的转变, introducing new local sports viewing models in markets such as Las Vegas, 在哪里 National Hockey League's Vegas Golden Knights is serving its regional market with both reach and depth.

With the expiration of its old deal and the planned shut-down of its RSN, the Stanley Cup champion Golden Knights’ new arrangement gave it greater control over its content; the ability to reach far more fans; and a digital approach to super-serving its super fans. Through over-the-air (OTA) channels and a top-quality over-the-top (OTT) service called KnightTime +, 黄金骑士队现在可以同时接触到在线旅行社和纯宽带电视观众(占拉斯维加斯所有家庭的40%以上), /尼尔森).

VGK chose Scripps Sports’ OTA channels, ViewLift’s digital platform was selected as the home for KnightTime +, a new streaming service carrying live games and companion content via the web, iOS和Android设备, Roku, 火电视, 苹果电视, Vizio, Xbox. 用季票购买, 骑士时间+为nhl授权区域内的球迷提供所有本地转播的比赛, 一直延伸到内华达州, 犹他州, 爱达荷州, 蒙大拿, Wyoming and certain counties in California, 内布拉斯加州和亚利桑那州.

金骑士队的主要目标是建立一个最先进的直播流媒体服务,除了它的OTA可用性, 为球迷提供各种可能的选择,让他们与球队互动,观看冰球比赛——这反映了掐线让许多球迷得不到服务的现实. The new OTA and OTT setup achieves that accessibility and variety.

The KnightTime + streaming service has rapidly exceeded all expectations, 尽管电视收视率增加了一倍多,但粉丝们几乎可以通过媒体接触到所有媒体. 骑士队在骑士时间+上线的前两周就将他们的全赛季注册目标增加了两倍,并且流量超过了4个.4 million minutes in its first month – with viewing via the 苹果电视, 火电视 and Roku apps averaging approximately 80 minutes per viewer each session.


考虑到rsn的不确定性和令人不安的球队所有权群体,拉斯维加斯金骑士队并不是唯一一支成功控制当地分销的球队. An early mover was the Monumental Sports and Entertainment Group, which in 2022 acquired full control of the RSN in its area (NBC Sports Washington), re-christened as the Monumental Sports Network. 该电视网拥有其母公司的三大体育特许经营权:NHL的华盛顿首都队(Washington Capitals), the National Basketball Association's Washington Wizards, 以及WNBA的华盛顿神秘队, as well as its G League and esports teams.

认识到建立一个顶级流媒体服务的重要性,以接触那些没有付费电视订阅的人, 纪念性体育网络(MSN)于2023年在NHL和之前重新推出了大大扩展的DTC服务 NBA Seasons -提供增强的视频功能,并在整个网络上扩展其数字覆盖范围, 平板电脑, 智能手机, game consoles and large-screen devices and services.

MSN的DTC服务为粉丝们提供了一种对内容的控制,这是他们今天所期望的——甚至是要求的, allowing them to personalize the user interface around their favorite teams and players, stream on multiple devices simultaneously, access behind-the-scenes programming, opt into scoring alerts and player updates, tap into real-time data and betting analytics. Additional enhanced viewing experiences will be rolled out later this season,

许多这些功能有效地迎合了年轻的GenZ粉丝——他们的体育观看习惯与年长观众有很大不同, 因为他们更有可能在比赛进行的过程中跟随比赛——在比赛中投入和退出,锁定瞬间的亮点.


这些组织开创性的新模式为他们的粉丝提供了他们想要的本地游戏和相关内容, while giving the teams more control over their digital footprint. 这些例子应该引起那些球队的共鸣,他们仍然在努力应对超过一半的NHL, NBA and MLB teams will likely lose their RSNs at the end of this season, 如果之前没有.

As they look at potential new standard TV and streaming models, 球队必须自己决定什么是成功,以及什么将确保他们的球迷未来的参与. Some already have set up bespoke OTA alliances and OTT services. Others have secure RSNs that are reinventing themselves as the market continues to evolve, including launching new streaming services. But many teams risk doing too little too late if they don't move soon.

True future-proofing requires each team to examine its game and related content distribution. Direct-to-consumer streaming reaches those fans off the pay-TV grid; provides teams for the first time with detailed data on their fans; delights those viewers with personalized and enhanced viewing experiences – and connects fans and teams at all of their touchpoints. 再一次, business disruption will catalyze tech innovation, reward teams that seize the moment.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from ViewLift. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

图片来源: ViewLift

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