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在接下来的几个月或几年里,如果风投或私募股权公司愿意的话 将他们的资金投入流媒体或媒体技术业务生成式人工智能会成为必备组件吗?

“I think that Venture Capital's interest in Generative AI and understanding how it's going to disrupt various business and consumer markets is very high,西蒙·索罗特科说, 高级分析师, Tirias研究. “From a startup perspective, it’s interesting because it’s disrupted the startups that were pre-AI.”

Solotko says it’s quickly become apparent that “Generative AI can be used to build content with a level of capability and immediacy that was unexpected. 它以极快的速度变好了, and the use of Generative AI from producing images and text to creating video seems to be a ‘next 24 months’ thing, 而不是“未来10年”的事情.”


自然, an important goal of all media companies in the streaming space is how to make their streaming products and services more profitable. “They’re definitely looking to any solution that they can find to make that happen,” says Solotko. “我们看到 订阅+广告的混合模式 这是维持昂贵的内容预算所必需的.”

If one of the premises of what makes a successful business is you’re either saving money or supporting revenue growth, 事情可能朝任何一个方向发展, in terms of what types of media technology companies thrive—vendors who support reducing production and delivery costs, 那些使广告更有利可图的人, 或者那些利用搜索或分析等其他东西的人.

这些领域中的任何一个看起来都可能是有吸引力的融资领域, 但如果我要投资的话,我会把钱投进去, which I’m not) on anything replacing expensive legacy hardware systems and adtech, 紧随其后的是其他类别. 广告技术就是其中一个领域 意志的资本 看看我们的行业.

意志的资本 Principal Jim Ferry shares what he concedes is “a bit of a contrarian view. 心态就是谷歌, 亚马逊, Facebook拥有[广告], 但在我心里, people are constantly looking for solutions outside of the walled gardens that give them more control, 为他们提供更多的数据, 减少依赖性,费里认为. “They probably control 50% of the ad market if you add it all up, but this is an enormous market. 另外的50%去哪了?”


Ferry表示,CTV归属是Volition一直关注的一个领域. “市场上需要另一种标识,费里解释道, “because it seems like we’re moving further and further away from the traditional cookies model, 所有这些隐私更新使得针对个人的攻击变得更加困难.”

Ferry adds that he thinks “unifying a lot of different disparate systems is interesting as well.” Most media companies have many different systems to run advertising in the digital and broadcast environments they distribute to. 圣杯,费里说, “would be something that kind of marries all of those advertising mediums together.”


Ferry说,人工智能的另一个高潜力用例是数据. “很多公司都坐拥大量数据,费里说, “and I can't tell you the amount of startups that tell us ‘We also have this data asset and we can monetize that.’” AI allows them to set up rules to look at viewing data to understand who the customer is.


那么一家纯粹的生成式AI公司呢? “It's hard to invest in a Generative AI business where that is their core value prop, 因为你在和Open AI竞争, 谷歌, 微软——世界上最富有的人,费里说。. Plus the open source component of Generative AI makes things less proprietary and that’s not a plus when it comes to financing.

“我对生成式人工智能的看法是, 如果你没有实现它或者在你的技术中使用它, 你会落后的,费里说。. “I think it's going to be a feature set where people are leveraging the APIs of a ChatGPT or something like that to build something interesting on top of their core products.”

他补充称,媒体技术公司的融资方式最近发生了变化. “之前, people were just optimizing for top-line growth and the thought process was, 他说,我们稍后会算出盈利能力.’”


债务和股权融资的状况如何? “A lot of companies were falling back on debt before when it was essentially free and now everything that happened with the SVB [Silicon Valley Bank] has made debt a lot harder to access,费里说。. 

债务从来都不是完全“免费”的,“当然可以。, 但在早期,只收取利息是很常见的, 然后是到期时的巨额付款. 快进到现在,再装修市场已经不复存在了. “There's a lot of companies that are going to get hung out to dry when that debt comes up for maturity in the next year or two,费里说。. “现在利率更高了,所以数学计算行不通.”

Over on the equity side, according to Ferry, “The best businesses are still getting funded. If you have really strong unit economics and you don't need to be profitable, but you need to prove that there is a path to self-sustainability so you're not handcuffed to the next financing round,费里说。. There is money out there even if the funding requirements have gotten more stringent. “There’s so much capital committed to the private equity and growth equity market over the life of the fund… there's plenty of dry powder in the market.”

So this begs the question, what would happen if we ask ChatGPT to pick which company gets funded?

我们将在9 - 10月刊上有更深入的文章 流媒体 on how Generative AI is impacting different parts of the streaming workflow. If you’d like to talk about how your business will be using this, please get in touch.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Incorporating generative AI into our workflows has the potential to impact almost everything in media technologies, 我将在本文中研究几种可能性.


Streaming media business and monetization models expanded and diversified in 2022 and sent a clear message: Paid subscription models were a necessary gateway to widespread streaming adoption, 但现在,广告支持的观看有机会蓬勃发展.


The formula for business funding and investment typically looks something like this: Identify a problem, 用一个有利可图的解决方案来解决这个问题, 一个伟大的团队, 以及巨大的增长潜力. 但在媒体技术领域, there's something else most companies are fighting against: moving customers to a SaaS model and winning over media companies that want to build everything in-house. 考虑到这些固有的挑战, what are the areas where investment looks like a good idea for companies in this industry?