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Discovery Doubles Down With SpotX For TV Everywhere Mo网ization During Holiday Ad Rush

SpotX, the leading global video advertising and mo网ization platform, today announced a partnership with Discovery to power programmatic mo网ization for TV everywhere (TVE) video during the holiday season. The collaboration has resulted in Discovery running Automated Guaranteed campaigns through SpotX, the only supply-side platform (SSP) currently offering Discovery's entire portfolio to advertisers.

"Content consumption increases dramatically during the holidays with more people home binge-watching and new devices being purchased, the viewership numbers we see across Discovery's properties absolutely explode,比尔·默里说, VP, programmatic revenue and ad products at Discovery Inc. "SpotX provides a very streamlined approach to mo网ization, and we're excited to be working so closely with their team to connect more buyers to all of our inventory."

In 2017, the average viewing session for Discovery's 网works increased more than 17% during the holidays over previous quarters for the year. 引用这一指标作为关键卖点, Discovery is leveraging SpotX's Demand Facilitation services to source even more demand opportunities as well as executing direct deals with advertisers. 使广告机会更加诱人, the 网work can whitelist and blacklist series titles such as Holiday Baking Championship (Food Network), 长岛中型:最佳假日(TLC), Nightmare Next Door: Murders Under the Mistletoe (Investigation Discovery), 假期里又喝醉了(动物星球), 节日饼干制作(烹饪频道), 白宫圣诞节(HGTV), passing show-level data to SpotX for advertisers that wish to buy against (or exclude) specific shows or 网works.

"This can be a very challenging time of year because so many advertisers want to 达到 the right consumers as they're making purchase decisions for gifts,阿曼达·卡布雷拉说, Head of Publisher Partnerships at Adobe Advertising Cloud, a demand-side platform currently working with both SpotX and Discovery. "SpotX's programmatic solution for Discovery allows us to better ensure that marketing dollars are spent delivering messaging to the most desirable and relevant audience for an advertiser that wants a piece of the holiday pie."

"Discovery is really leading the pack in terms of programmatic for TVE because they are flexible and have no qualms about taking risks, two characteristics we believe are necessary to succeed as more digital publishers are dipping their toes into the TVE landscape,瑞安·肯尼说, 他是SpotX平台服务副总裁. "Brands that purchase inventory for the holidays have the opportunity to 达到 larger target audiences than any other time of the year, and Discovery offers not only a massive collection of premium brands but also a high-quality, 品牌梦寐以求的忠实用户."

直到现在, there has been limited success within the industry when running Automated Guaranteed campaigns programmatically due to the lack of technologies on the supply side that offer it. Automated Guaranteed campaigns allow publishers to receive guaranteed revenue for inventory, reserve impressions for buyers in exchange for higher CPMs, 以编程方式执行高填充交易, 直接与广告商合作,设定交易条款, and leverage SpotX's robust campaign targeting to guarantee buyers get the inventory they want. 相反, Automated Guaranteed transactions allow advertisers to programmatically purchase while gaining guaranteed access to a publisher's inventory at a predetermined price, secure first-look access to a guaranteed number of impressions, 达到 a desired audience at scale with guaranteed opportunities that meet exact targeting requirements, and have self-service at scale by allowing SpotX to execute the targeting and pacing agreed upon in the deal terms.


SpotX is the leading global video advertising platform that enables media owners and publishers to mo网ize premium content across desktop, 移动和联网电视设备. As a modern ad server with programmatic infrastructure, 数据支持, 以及OTT的货币化解决方案, outstream, 可寻址电视, SpotX gives media owners and publishers the control, 透明度, and actionable insights needed to understand buyer behavior, 管理访问和定价, 最大化收益. SpotX also provides advertisers with a direct pipeline to premium supply and innovative solutions for optimizing media efficiency, 达到, 以及受众定位. With best-in-class technology purpose-built for video, SpotX的整体, brand-safe solution is employed by some of the largest media owners and publishers in the world including fuboTV, 微软休闲游戏, 报童, Samba电视, 吊索的电视, Vudu and partners with a variety of different companies within the digital video ecosystem including comScore, DoubleVerify, 整合广告科学, JW球员, MediaMath, 护城河, 尼尔森, 甲骨文, 和更多的.

行业公告's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.网

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